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Das sagen die Käufer:


Grüße aus dem Allgäu. Die Blody Mary ist super. Macht immer noch Spaß und fährt sich toll. „Nur fliegen ist schöner“


Das sagen die Käufer:



„It took me 35 years to realize a childhood dream: Buying a Caterham! As a real car enthusiast, Ralf wants you to find the car of your dreams. An email description, some phone calls with valuable advices, and Ralf came back to me a month later with a potential car, matching 90% of my expectations… and I felt in love with it! He then did everything to ensure that the remaining 10% of my list were met with some parts changes… and the photo speaks of itself.“


Lotus Elise 111S "The Flying Mermaid"

Leider gerade verkauft an Armin

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